BIOVOLTAICO - Il CHOSE per l’Agrivoltaico
Applicazioni innovative del FV semitrasparente in agricoltura
Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica dell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata (DIE), attraverso il Laboratorio CHOSE , sviluppa tecnologie innovative in grado di interagire positivamente sugli aspetti agricoli e biologici della crescita delle colture sotto pannelli fotovoltaici semitrasparenti, spettralmente selettivi, come il FV a base di semiconduttori organici polimerici (OPV) ed i moduli basati sulla tecnologia fotoelettrochimica a colorante (DSSC). Il CHOSE - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica - è uno dei partner co-beneficiari del progetto BIOVOLTAICO, con capofila la società Intellienergia, e con CREA - Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria e la società Bassano Natura s.a.r.l. come altri co-beneficiari. Il contributo erogato da Lazioinnova ammonta a 49.520,00€, per un importo totale di progetto (compreso di cofinanziamento del DIE) pari a 61.900,00€.
Il CHOSE sviluppa nel WP1 del progetto una copertura sperimentale in FV semitrasparente in tecnologia DSSC e OPV per 4m2 totali, 3m2 in tecnologia DSSC, ed 1m2 in tecnologia OPV. I risultati ottenuti con il primo batch di moduli DSSC permettono di ottenere una efficienza del 3.9% con una trasparenza su area geometrica del modulo pari al 30%. I moduli OPV in corso di sviluppo mostrano efficienze superiori al 4% con una trasparenza ACT (Average Chlorophyll Transparency) superiore al 30%.
20 February 2023
Organic semiconductors have been shown to be promising for interfacing with biological systems because they are biocompatible, printable and their optical properties can be tailored. A multidisciplinary international team from seven research institutes have designed a bio-photoelectrolytic platform based on semiconducting polymer thin films, onto which cells were cultured immersing both in an aqueous biological medium. The team demonstrated it is possible to inhibit cell proliferation by 50% in a cancer cell line by subjecting the platform to a series of light pulses over time. Light stimulation was found to increase the concentration of calcium ions inside the cells by three times. The platform also enabled to measure bio-electrical signals. The bio–photoelectrolytic platform and the effective use of light stimulation may open new avenues for in vitro light control/manipulation of cell behaviour, for the development of future novel non-invasive tools for application in bio-sensing, regenerative medicine and cell-based therapy, and for cancer progression control and therapy.
Results are published in Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 2200127 (2023)
For more information download the press release
You are invited to participate at the Online Conference on New Generation Photovoltaics for Space (PVSPACE), from 21th to 22th of June 2022.
Compared with the terrestrial environment, the cosmic space environment is very harsh. Space is characterized by ultra-high vacuum, extreme temperatures and also exposure to several high-energy charged particles and rays. In line with the fast-growing space economy, new generation of photovoltaic systems e.g., perovskite solar cells and multi-junction thin film PVs have been shown a great potential for compete with conventional PV systems in the space applications due to high efficiency in ultra-low-cost devices, low energy payback time, solution-process and roll-to-roll fabrication, high specific power and intrinsic stability against high energy particles and rays.
The scope of the conference is to gather international experts in new generation photovoltaics such as perovskite, organic PV or tandem between new generation and conventional PV, to have a fresh update on the development in the field and to define new opportunities of new generation PV in space applications. From space applications we consider not only those which are available nowadays such as satellite powering but also new space developments such as extraterrestrial bases, deployable flexible PV arrays, inflatable solar cells etc. The conference would also focus on space relevant tests of new PV technologies as well as the first experimental demonstration on the space environment.
Conference Organizer: Dr. Narges Yaghoobi Nia, Prof. Aldo Di Carlo, Prof. Luigi Schirone, Dr. Mahmoud Zendehdel
22 January 2022
Perovskite semiconductor solar cells are a very exciting photovoltaic technology possessing similar efficiencies to silicon but cast or printed in thin films via liquid inks. A new method that uses a simple sheet of paper to deposit the perovskite films that does without any expensive equipment at all has been developed by a team from Tor Vergata University and University of Zanjan. The trick to achieve high performance with this remarkably cheap method is to soak the paper applicator in anti-solvent which almost doubles efficiencies compared to when using it dry, reaching 11% on flexible plastic substrates. Paper, compared to other soft applicators, possesses the right porosity and smoothness for deposition of high quality perovskite films.
Video of the method can be watched on CHOSE Youtube channel: are published in iScience 25, 103712 (2022)
For more information download the press release
A research team led by CHOSE has fabricated a perovskite solar module with a total active area of 42.8 cm2 and aperture area of 50 cm2. The panel was built with 20%-efficient perovskite cells connected in 14 series and was able to retain 90% of the initial efficiency after 800 h of thermal stress at 85° C.(
Read the article by Emiliano Bellini on PV Magazine:
New Paper out on ACS - Appl. Mater. Interfaces!
Our latest work led by our Luigi Angelo Castriotta shows outstanding results on Methylammonium Free perovskites processed in Air with scalable technique by using Infrared annealing and Potassium doped graphene oxide as an interlayer, achieving efficiencies of 18.3% and 16.10% on 0.1cm2 cell and on 16cm2 module respectively, with enhanced stability compares to the standard multi Cation reference.
Congratulations to the extraordinary work in collaboration with leading researchers worldwide!
Fabio Matteocci, Luigi Vesce, Lucio Cinà, Antonio Agresti, Sara Pescetelli, Alessandro Ronconi, Markus Löffler Minas Stylianakis, Francesco Di Giacomo, Paolo Mariani, Maurizio Stefanelli, Emily Speller, Antonio Alfano, Barbara Paci, Amanda Generosi, Fabio Di Fonzo, Annamaria Petrozza, Bernd Rellinghaus, Emmanuel Kymakis and Aldo Di Carlo
The pubblication is avalaible at the link:
Nuovo articolo su "Nano Energy" Journal!
I ricercatori del CHOSE in collaborazione con NUST-MISiS (Mosca), CNR-ISM, INFN-LNF, Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Institut Pprime (Università di Poitier), Accademia Russa delle Scienze e CNR-ISC, hanno dimostrato l'uso dei MXenes in celle solari a perovskite invertite come strategia vincente per aumentare le prestazioni del dispositivo.
I sorprendenti risultati sono visionabili su:
I ricercatori del CHOSE Saeed Mardi e Andrea Reale, in collaborazione con Alberto Vomiero e Khabib Yasupov della LULEA Univestiy (Svezia) e Patricia M. Martinez, Anvar Zakhidov dell'Univestiy of Texas (Texas, USA) hanno pubblicato su ACS Omega i risultati della loro collaborazione sui compositi di carbonio nanotube/polimeri, che si stanno rivelando di notevole importanza nel campo delle applicazioni termoelettriche.
La pubblicazione è disponibile su:
Nell’ambito del Progetto Europeo Graphene Flagship è stato realizzato il primo modulo fotovoltaico DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell), basato su una griglia di contatti stampati in Graphene, grazie ai quali è stato possibile risolvere il problema della corrosione che affligge le tipiche griglie in argento dei moduli DSSC, aumentando così la stabilità strutturale di questi dispositivi..
Un importante risultato merito della collaborazione tra il C.H.O.S.E. e il "Graphene Cambridge Center" dell'Università di Cambridge (UCAM), fondato e diretto dal prof. Andrea C. Ferrari, il quale ricopre anche il ruolo di "Science and Technology Officer" oltre che di "Chair of the Management Panel of the Graphene Flagship" (una delle più grandi iniziative di ricerca finanziate dalla Commissione Europea)
La pasta di Graphene è stata formulata e prodotta con la tecnica della microfluidizzazione presso il “Graphene Cambridge Centre” dell’Università di Cambridge. La realizzazione in Graphene delle griglie del modulo fotovoltaico DSSC, ha inoltre permesso di incrementare l’efficienza calcolata su aperture area, fino al 12%. Tale risultato, unito alla maggiore stabilità dei dispostivi rispetto a quelli standard (con l’argento), spinge ulteriormente la tecnologia DSSC nel settore BIPV (Build Integrated Photo-Voltaic) e nelle applicazioni indoor.
I risultati ottenuti sono stati pubblicati in ACS Publications, disponibili al seguente link:
Congratulazioni a Paolo Mariani, Antonio Agresti, Luigi Vesce, Sara Pescetelli, Alessandro Lorenzo Palma, Flavia Tomarchio, Panagiotis Karagiannidis, Andrea C. Ferrari e Aldo Di Carlo
SEM images of (a) Ag layer, (b) graphene coating, (c) cross section of Ag layer, (d) cross section of graphene coating, (e) schematic cross view of Ag-based device, (f) schematic cross view of graphene-based device
Stability test at 85 °C comparing 5 DSSC modules with Ag-vertical interconnects and 5 with graphene ones
Within the EU Graphene Flagship Project, through the collaboration between the C.H.O.S.E. and the "Graphene Cambridge Center" of the University of Cambridge (UCAM), founded and directed by Prof. Andrea C. Ferrari, who is also the Science and Technology Officer and the Chair of the Management Panel of the Graphene Flagship (one of the largest research initiatives ever funded by the European Commission), the first DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) PV (Photo-Voltaic) module, based on Graphene printed interconnects, was realized.
Thanks to these interconnects, corrosion issues that affect the typical silver grids of the DSSC modules have been fixed, thus increasing the structural stability of these devices.
Graphene paste was realized and fabricated via microfluidization at the Graphene Cambridge Center. Graphene-based interconnects of the DSSC module have also allowed to increase the Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE) calculated on Aperture Area, up to 12% with respect to silver-based ones. This result, combined with the greater stability of the devices once compared to the standard ones (made of silver), further rolls out the DSSC technology in the BIPV (Build Integrated Photo-Voltaic) sector and in indoor application.
The obtained results are published in ACS Publications, available at the following link:
Congratulations to Paolo Mariani, Antonio Agresti, Luigi Vesce, Sara Pescetelli, Alessandro Lorenzo Palma, Flavia Tomarchio, Panagiotis Karagiannidis, Andrea C. Ferrari and Aldo Di Carlo
SEM images of (a) Ag layer, (b) graphene coating, (c) cross section of Ag layer, (d) cross section of graphene coating, (e) schematic cross view of Ag-based device, (f) schematic cross view of graphene-based device
Stability test at 85 °C comparing 5 DSSC modules with Ag-vertical interconnects and 5 with graphene ones
Operational stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is rapidly becoming one of the pressing bottlenecks for their upscaling and integration of such promising photovoltaic technology. By using a Polaron Arrangement strategy, we demonstrated stable PSCs with typical power conversion efficiencies above 20%, retain more than 90% of the initial efficiency after 1080 hours thermal stress at 85 ˚C and 87% of initial efficiency after 160 hours exposure against 1 sun light soaking. By using this strategy, we advanced the efficiency of perovskite solar modules beyond 17% on an active area of 43 cm2, keeping above 90% of the initial efficiency after 800 hours thermal stress at 85 ˚C. These results, obtained in ambient conditions, pave the way toward the industrialization of PSC-based photovoltaic technology.
The obtained results published in Nano Energy (an Elsevier journal with IF: 16.6) available online via following link:
Congratulations to Narges Yaghoobi Nia, Mahmoud Zendehdel, Mojtaba Abdi-Jalebi, Luigi Angelo Castriotta, Felix U. Kosasih, Enrico Lamanna, Mohammad Mahdi Abolhasani, Zhaoxiang Zheng, Zahra Andaji-Garmaroudi, Kamal Asadi, Giorgio Divitini, Caterina Ducati, Richard H. Friend and Aldo Di Carlo.
11 December 2020
Around 300 million people worldwide are visually impaired. In recent years, photosensitive organic electronic materials have been shown to be a very promising tool for transducing light stimuli to non-functioning retinas. An international interdisciplinary team from four institutes developed a colour-sensitive artificial retina model using polymer semiconductors. These are processable as inks which enabled pixelatation by depositing each polymer dot by inkjet-printing. Three types of polymer semiconductors, with spectral absorbance curves emulating those of rods, and of cones which provide colour sensitivity, were deposited in a concentric layout simplifying the anatomical human retinal scheme. The team verified that the phototransduction process from the artificial retina to a biological electrolyte solution imitating extracellular fluids found in our tissues produced electrical signals compatible with those found in retinas through a novel closed sandwich-type optoelectronic device. Biocompatibility of the materials was also verified. The bio-hybrid device is compact, easy-to-handle, transportable, with controllable size and requires a small amount of bio-electrolyte thus permitting use of tools typically found in an electronic-engineering/physics/chemistry laboratory. The density of the artificial photoreceptors was ∼11000 pixels/cm2 and the corresponding spatial resolution was 267 dpi (dots per inch), with pixel diameters of 95 micrometres comparable to that of a human hair.
Results are published in “Colour‑sensitive conjugated polymer inkjet‑printed pixelated artificial retina model studied via a bio‑hybrid photovoltaic device” article in Scientific Reports at
For more information see the press release and
Various technologies based on photochemical, photobiological, thermochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photovoltaic-electrochemical integration have been utilized for solar fuel production. However, there are numerous scientific challenges to developing these technologies, including finding suitable materials and hybrid/composite structures to improve light absorption, developing more efficient and stable catalysts and thin films, enhancing selectivity, minimizing interfacial losses, and resisting degradation. Accordingly, the utilization of some advanced organic/inorganic hybrid and composite crystalline compounds and relative thin films such as 2D/3D structures, plasmonic core-shell, carbon-based nanostructures, porous nanostructures, molecular catalysts, metal-organic and zeolitic imidazolate frameworks, polyoxometalates, hybrid conjugated polymers, and hybrid biomimetics can markedly improve the performance of solar fuel technologies toward industrialization.
Special Issue Editors:
Narges Yaghoobi Nia, Aldo Di Carlo, Adelio Mendes, Mahmoud Zendehdel, Hong Zhang, Gabriele Centi, Francesco Aquilante
Available at the link:
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 May 2021.
9 July 2020
Want to know more about Perovskites and 2 D materials?
On "IOPscience" the latest review by Aldo Di Carlo, Antonio Agresti, Francesca Brunetti and Sara Pescetelli entitled "Two-dimensional materials in perovskite solar cells":
29 April 2020
Celle Fotovoltaiche Flessibili su Vetro Ultra-Sottile
ad Alta Efficienza per Interni
È già in atto una rivoluzione che include lo sviluppo di sensori wireless autonomi, elettronica a basso consumo energetico per il mercato dei consumatori, case intelligenti, domotica e Internet delle Cose. Tutti questi elementi richiedono, per la loro alimentazione, dispositivi di raccolta di energia efficienti e facili da integrare. Le fonti di energia fotovoltaica per uso interno, su substrati flessibili e pieghevoli ultrasottili, avranno il potenziale per facilitare queste innovazioni tecnologiche ma devono essere sviluppate per fornire prestazioni sotto l'illuminazione artificiale interna piuttosto che sotto il sole. Un team internazionale costituito da ricercatori dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Universidad Surcolombiana e il Fraunhofer Institute ha appena pubblicato un articolo in Cell Reports Physical Science, che evidenzia nel loro progetto i progressi compiuti nel raggiungimento di efficienze sopra il 20% con celle solari a perovskite sotto queste condizioni di illuminazione di interni usando substrati flessibili di vetro ultrasottile. Le efficienze ottenute rappresentano le più elevate riportate per qualsiasi tecnologia di celle fotovoltaiche flessibili e pieghevoli per interni, oltre a superare del 60-90% le precedenti celle di perovskite su substrati flessibili. Le potenze specifiche in Watt erogate per grammo di peso (W/g) sono superiori del 40-55% rispetto alla loro controparte su film plastici in PET, e sono di un ordine di grandezza superiore a quelle su vetro rigido. I risultati sono riportati al seguente link: “Perovskite Photovoltaics on Roll-To-Roll Coated Ultra-thin Glass as Flexible High-Efficiency Indoor Power-Generators”
Per maggiori informazioni vedi il comunicato stampa e il link