Aldo Di Carlo

Aldo Di Carlo  Aldo Di Carlo
  Full Professor
  Head of the Optoelectronics group
  Director of CHOSE

  Dept. Electronics Engineering, Univ. of Rome "Tor Vergata"
  via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma (Italy)
  Phone: +39  06 7259 7456
  Fax: +39  06 2020519

Aldo Di Carlo is Full Professor of Optoelectronics and Nanoelectronics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Electronics Engineering. In 1991 he graduated  (summa cum laude) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and obtained in 1995 the Ph.D. at Technical University of Munich (Germany). In 1996 he became research assistant at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and in 2001 Associated professor. Since December 2012 he is Full Professor in the same University. Di Carlo is author/coauthor of more than 300 scientific publications in international journals (h-factor = 33), several review on the microscopic description of nanostructures (on Semiconductor Science and Technology and on Report Progress in Physics), several book chapters and coauthor of two books (in Italian language) "Appunti di Optoelettronica: I materiali semiconduttori" e "Appunti di Optoelettronica: fibre ottiche e componenti a semiconduttore" (Aracne ed.). He is co-inventor of 13 patents and was developing the ECOLUCE system for zero-emission music events.


The research activity concerns the study of electronic and optical properties of nanostructured devices, their analysis and optimization and the fabrication of organic electronic devices. In the last years his research activities focussed on the charge trasport in nanostructured devices, HEMT, organic TFT, molecular devices and CNT-FET. The development of the non-equilibrium theory for the microscopic description of the transport process in nanostructured devices has been the subject of invited talks at international conferences and University seminars. Recently, was involved in the realization of the "Polo Solare Organico della Regione Lazio" (Center for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy) CHOSE and he is actually codirector of the center.

Aldo Di Carlo is local principal investigator of one H2020 project and 4 FP7 project. He was European coordinator of the FP7 EU project OPTHER dedicated to the THz amplifiers based on vacuum nanoelectronics components and is node coordinator for the EU FP7 Project SMASH devoted to Nanowire LEDs with Osram as European Coordinator. He has been/is local scientific coordinator of several National and International projects: Two European Marie Curie Project (CLERMONT and CLERMONT II on Microcavities), European STREP Project (STIMSCAT on Polariton Lasers), MADESS II Project, (Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers), INFM-PRA Project (Experimental and theoretical investigation of optical and transport phenomena in superlattice long-wavelength infrared quantum cascade lasers), Progetto Finalizzato Nanoelettronica PF22 (Organic Semiconductor Light Emitters).

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