Fabio Matteocci

fabio matteocci

Fabio Matteocci

Senior Researcher

c/o Casale 11
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Viale Pietro Gismondi s.n.c. - 00133 Rome - Italy




Fabio Matteocci was born on December 19th 1983 in Rome. He graduated in Electronic Engineer at TorVergata's University, Rome in 2009. He did a thesis on "Planning and Optimization of DSC Solar Cell with Ionic Liquid Electrolytes". Since February 2010 from February 2011 he worked on Physics Department of University of Rome Tor Vergata in Nirap Project for DSC modules fabrication. From 2010 to 2013, he was a PhD in Electronic Engineering Department of University of Rome Tor Vergata discussing a thesis called “Up scaling processes for solid state solar cells”. From 2014-2016, he was a post doc in CHOSE lab with aim to scale up the fabrication process of perovskite solar modules. Since 2016, he is a researcher in the Electronic Engineering Department of University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Research Activity

My research activity within CHOSE lab (2010-Present) is focused on the development of hybrid organic/inorganic optoelectronic devices such as solar cell and photodetectors. During my PhD (2010-2013), I focused my activity on the up-scaling processes of solid-state hybrid solar cell such as dye solar cell and perovskite solar cell. The up-scaling process, the deposition techniques, the sealing procedures and the long-term stability of perovskite solar cell and modules are the main topics of my activity. Further developments are based on the fabrication of high efficiency and high stability perovskite solar module by using scalable deposition such like blade coating and slot-die. Up to now, I published more than 20 articles in high impact journals focused on perovskite technology.


F. Matteocci, G. Mincuzzi, F. Giordano, A. Capasso, E. Artuso, C. Barolo, G. Viscardi, T.M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, Blocking layer optimisation of poly(3-hexylthiopene) based Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Organic Electronics, 14 (2013) 1882-1890;

F. Matteocci, S. Casaluci, S. Razza, A, Guidobaldi, A. Reale, T. M. Brown and A. Di Carlo, Solid State dye solar modules, Journal of Power Sources, 246 (2013) 361-364;

• F. Di Giacomo, S. Razza, F. Matteocci, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia, T. M. Brown, A. Di Carlo, High efficiency CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Clx perovskite solar cells with poly(3-hexylthiophene) hole transport layer, Journal of Power Sources, (2014), 251, 152;

F. Matteocci, S. Razza, F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, G. Mincuzzi, T.M. Brown, A. D’Epifanio, S. Licoccia and A. Di Carlo, Solid-state solar module based on mesoscopic organometal perovskite: a route towards the up-scaling process, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,(2014),16, 3918-3923;

F. Matteocci, L. Cinà, F. Di Giacomo, S Razza, A.L. Palma, A. Guidobaldi, A. D’Epifanio, S. Licoccia, T.M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, High efficiency photovoltaic module based on mesoscopic organometal halide perovskite, Progress in Photovoltaics (2014)

DOI: 10.1002/pip.2557.

• S. Razza, F. Di Giacomo, F. Matteocci, L. Cinà; A.L. Palma, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia, A. Reale, T.M. Brown, A. Di Carlo, Perovskite solar cells and modules based on air flow-assisted PbI2 blade coating deposition process, Journal of Power Sources (2014), 277, 286-291.

• F. Di Giacomo, V. Zardetto, A. D'Epifanio, S. Pescetelli, F. Matteocci, S. Razza, A. Di Carlo, S. Licoccia, W.M.M. Kessels, M. Creatore, T.M. Brown, Flexible Perovskite Photovoltaic Modules and Solar Cells Based on Atomic Layer Deposited Compact Layers and UV-Irradiated TiO2 Scaffolds on Plastic Substrates, Adv. Energy Mater. 2015, 1401808.

• Fakharuddin, F. Di Giacomo, A. L. Palma, F. Matteocci, I. Ahmed, S. Razza, A. D’Epifanio, S. Licoccia, J. Ismail, A. Di Carlo, T. M. Brown and R. Jose, Vertical TiO2 Nanorods as a Medium for Durable and High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Modules. ACS Nano, (2015) , 9, 8420-8429

• G. Divitini, S. Cacovich, F. Matteocci, L. Cinà, A. Di Carlo & C. Ducati, In situ observation of heat Conference Proceeding induced degradation of perovskite solar cells, Nature Energy, 2016, 1, 15012.

F. Matteocci, Y. Busby, J.J. Pireaux, G. Divitini, S. Cacovich, C. Ducati, A. Di Carlo, Interface and composition analysis on perovskite solar cells, ACS applied materials & interfaces , (2016), 7, 26176-26183.

• Fakharuddin, A.L. Palma, F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, F. Matteocci, Q. Wali, M. Rauf, A. Di Carlo,T.M. Brown, R. Jose, Solid state perovskite solar modules by vacuum-vapor assisted sequential deposition on Nd:YVO4 laser patterned rutile TiO2 nanorods, Nanotechnology , (2016), 26, 494002.

• S.Casaluci, L. Cina, F. Matteocci, P. Lugli, A. Di Carlo, Fabrication and characterization of mesoscopic Perovskite photodiodes, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, (2016), 15, 255-260.

• C.Forni F. Teoli, S. Lucioli, P. Nota, A. Frattarelli, F. Matteocci, A.Di Carlo, E. Caboni, Role of pH and pigment concentration for natural dye-sensitized solar cells treated with anthocyanin extracts of common fruits,J ournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, (2016), 316, 24-30.

• NY Nia, M Zendehdel, L Cinà, F. Matteocci, A Di Carlo, A crystal engineering approach for scalable perovskite solar cells and module fabrication: a full out of glove box procedure, Journal of Material Chemistry A , (2018), 6, 659-671.

• A. Walter, S-J. Moon, B.A. Kamino, L. Löfgren, D. Sacchetto, F. Matteocci, B. Taheri, J. Bailat, A. Di Carlo, C. Ballif, S. Nicolay, Closing the Cell-to-Module Efficiency Gap: A Fully Laser Scribed Perovskite Minimodule With 16% Steady-State Aperture Area Efficiency, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2018), 8, 151-155.

• A.L. Palma, F. Matteocci, A. Agresti, S. Pescetelli, E. Calabrò, L. Vesce, S. Christiansen, M. Schmidt, A. Di Carlo, Laser-patterning engineering for perovskite solar modules with 95% aperture ratio, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2018), 7, 1674-1680.

• M. Rossi, F. Matteocci, A. Di Carlo, C. Forni, Chlorophylls and xanthophylls of crop plants as dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC), Journal of Plant Science and Phytopathology (2017), 1, 087-094.

• NY Nia, F. Matteocci, L Cina, A. Di Carlo, High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cell Based on Poly (3 Hexylthiophene): Influence of Molecular Weight and Mesoscopic Scaffold Layer, ChemSusChem 10, 3854-3860.

• C. Di Bari, C. Forni, A. Di Carlo, E. Barrajón-Catalán, V. Micol, F. Teoli, P. Nota, F. Matteocci, A. Frattarelli, E. Caboni, S. Lucioli, Pigments for natural dye-sensitized solar cells from in vitro grown shoot cultures, Journal of Photonics for Energy (2018), 7, 025503.

• S. Cacovich, L. Ciná, F. Matteocci, G. Divitini, P.A. Midgley, A. Di Carlo, C. Ducati, Gold and iodine diffusion in large area perovskite solar cells under illumination, Nanoscale (2017), 9, 4700-4706.

• J. Dagar, S. Castro-Hermosa, M. Gasbarri, A.L. Palma, L. Cina, F. Matteocci, E. Calabrò, A. Di Carlo, T.M. Brown, Efficient fully laser-patterned flexible perovskite modules and solar cells based on low-temperature solution-processed SnO2/mesoporous-TiO2 electron transport layers, Nano Research (2017),

DOI: 10.1007/s12274-017-1896-5

• Cacovich, S., Divitini, G., F. Matteocci, Busby, Y., Pireaux, J.-J., Carlo, A. D. and Ducati, C. 2016. Elemental mapping of perovskite solar cells using STEM and multivariate analysis, European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings. (2016), 812–813.

• A. Rizzo, L. Ortolan, S. Murrone, L. Torto, M. Barbato, N. Wrachien, A. Cester, F. Matteocci, A. Di Carlo, Effects of thermal stress on hybrid perovskite solar cells with different encapsulation techniques, IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), (2017), PV1.1-6.

• A Capasso, AE Del Rio Castillo, L Najafi, V Pellegrini, F Bonaccorso, F. Matteocci, L Cinà, A Di Carlo, Spray deposition of exfoliated MoS2 flakes as hole transport layer in perovskite-based photovoltaics, IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2015, 1138-1141.

• F. Di Giacomo, G. Lucarelli, S. Pescetelli, F. Matteocci, S. Razza, A. di Carlo, A. D'Epifanio, S.Licoccia, T.M. Brown, V. Zardetto, W. M.M. Kessels, M. Creatore, Device architectures with nanocrystalline mesoporous scaffolds and thin compact layers for flexible perovskite solar cells and modules, IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2015, 739-742.

F. Matteocci, S. Razza, S. Casaluci, N. Yaghoobiniya, A. Di Carlo, L. Serenelli, M. Izzi, G. Stracci, A. Mittiga, M. Tucci, Perovskite and a-Si: H/c-Si tandem solar cell, IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2015, 1-6.

• A. Di Carlo, F. Matteocci, S. Razza, M. Mincuzzi, F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, D. Gentilini, T.M. Brown, A. Reale, F. Brunetti, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia, Mesoscopic perovskite solar cells and modules, IEEE 14th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014, 70-74.

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