CHOSEFORMER COLLABORATORSCorrado Giammanco (11-2015)

Corrado Giammanco (11-2015)

Corrado Giammanco    PostDoc

      Dept. Electronics Engineering
      University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
       via del Politecnico 1
       00133 Roma (Italy)

      Tel. +39 06 72597777

       Fax. +39 0672597939



       Curriculum Vitae




Corrado Giammanco was born on july 1st 1972 in Rome, Italy. In 1998 he received the degree in Physics with grade 110/110 at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata, and then obtained the Ph.D. cun laude (2005) working at the Institute of Astrofphisics of Canary Islands (IAC). He got an assistant professor position in the physic departement of the University of Bern (2006), and a Post Doc position at the IAC (2008). Since february 2011 he is working as a Post Doc in the Electronic Departement of University of Rome Tor Vergata, where is developping a photovoltaic tent for the civilian protection. Other interests are the battery state monitoring, and the smart grid implementation.



 An almost complete list of publications can be found  here, looking for Giammanco, C.

 On the PvTent

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